Propeller Nebula - DWB111 (at 25% full size, click on image for 50%)

propellerbw25.jpg (200 kbytes)


Propeller Nebula - DWB111


AP-130 at F/5.4
AP 600 GoTo Mount with STV on AP 80mm Guidescope
Exposure: 5 x 60 mins and 5 x30 mins Ha using ST-10 CCD
Tracking: Average FWHM = 3 arcsec
Location: My Driveway (Huntertown, IN),   Moderate Light Pollution
Date: May to July of 2001
Processing: CCDsoft5 and RoboFocus used for acquisition
AIP4WIN, MaxIM and PhotoShop for processing
Stacked using RegiStar

AF9Y Astrophotography    CCD Astrophotos      Film Astrophotos

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